Posts tagged inspired wandering
Is Traveling Dangerous?

Travel is dangerous. Is it safe to travel to (insert country name here)? You shouldn’t travel alone. Those people are (insert gross generalization here). Why do you want to go there? I would never travel to a (insert stereotype here) country like that. We hear these things all the time and most of the people saying these things have never even traveled outside of the state, province or city they live in, let alone their country.

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Alternative Things to do in Rome, Italy

Rome is a huge city full of history, a history that dates back over two thousand years. We all know about the Coliseum, Forum, Vatican, St. Peter’s, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, etc. and yes, if you’re a first time visitor to Rome seeing those places is a must. To not go would almost be blasphemous. But after one or two days of that, then what? Rome is so much more than those few sites. There are so many other buildings, neighborhoods, parks and squares that deserve just as much attention. These are not ”non-touristy” places, just less visited and therefore void of the overwhelming crowds.

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Alpacas, Treehouses & Dali the Llama

Sometimes we tend to think that our experiences are random happenings, but I think that we walk our given paths. Most times unbeknownst and unconsciously. This Christmas season I wanted to travel, but didn’t really want to drive for hours or fly so far from home. I remembered about a treehouse in Atlanta that I had seen on Airbnb and decided to find out if it was available around Christmas Eve, it wasn’t. Though the one that I originally had in mind wasn’t available, I found another one that was available. This one is a lot more interesting because there are cute animals involved.

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