Posts in inspirational
Is Traveling Dangerous?

Travel is dangerous. Is it safe to travel to (insert country name here)? You shouldn’t travel alone. Those people are (insert gross generalization here). Why do you want to go there? I would never travel to a (insert stereotype here) country like that. We hear these things all the time and most of the people saying these things have never even traveled outside of the state, province or city they live in, let alone their country.

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My Decision to Make a Major Life Change - Part 2

Creating Inspired Wandering was not an overnight thing. To give you a little background here, I’ve worked as an architectural project manager for almost 18 years and at first it was great, I loved it. Enjoyed the work I was doing, the people I met and worked with over the years were incredible. The field taught me so much and helped me to develop so many friendships over the years. Then I started volunteering and traveling. I saw that there was this whole other world out there. A totally different way of living, contributing…doing something bigger than myself.

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My Decision to Make A Major Life Change - Part 1

Some people can make it seem like it’s so simple to make huge life changes. “I just woke up one day and quit my job!” And maybe it is that easy for some people. For most though, I would say that's there's a HUGE internal battle that wages. For me, it had been slowly building over the past seven years. The last year and a half was when I really figured out what I wanted to do with this insatiable need for travel and I came up with an exit plan. 

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Starting My New Journey

It seems much easier to make a life changing shift in the way you live your life if you’re 23 with no responsibilities, just graduated from college and even the slightest idea that you want to buck the system and create your own path through life. What if you’re somewhere in the middle? Not fresh out of college, but not yet ready for retirement? That’s where I found myself sitting, somewhere in the middle. Not really saddled with a whole lot of responsibility, but with just enough to keep me from walking away from everything.

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